Friday, July 25, 2014

Vet visit

After Kitkat passed I have been checking my rats like crazy. I noticed that 2 have bumps and I started freaking out. I tried to make an appointment for all of them to be seen but they didn't have any slots open til the next friday. I am not a patient person so I was not about to wait that long. Luckily my vet has walk ins on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I could wait 1 day.

I then get a call saying Kitkat's urn came back. I had 2 reasons to go back so I was not about to miss the walk in. Right as I am walking to my job my boss says theres a meeting tonight at 7. -_- like seriously? I didn't even know how there could be a meeting if some staff will be working during that time. She said it was mandatory but other staff said it wasn't. After the last time I called of because of my rats I didn't want to give them the same reason so I just didn't give them any.  Plus it was a meeting, not a shift so I didn't feel as bad.

After work I picked up my rodents and had to put them in boxes -_- I had small animal carriers but nooooo. They chewed holes in them. I knew the girls would find a way out but my boys are pretty lazy. They slept the whole ride there. The nurse was kind enough to let me borrow some cat carriers on the way home.

All my rodents are healthy and happy. The 2 girls with bumps is because she's ovulating and the balding one is because skittles is grooming her roughly plus she's my most submissive one.

until next time

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