Monday, July 21, 2014

RIP Kitkat

Just 3 days ago I lost one of my precious rats. She was one of my eldest rats. I felt so guilty for just noticing she was sick 2 days before she passed. I took her to the vet and he wasn't able to figure out what was going on with her and told me to go to a specialist hospital since it was too late and she needed to be seen immediately. Then he told me that whatever she has isn't reversible. She was too far gone. I tried to make her as comfortable as possible and gave her water through a syringe since she wouldn't eat or sleep. 
Next day I take the day off and of course they weren't happy but I was not about to work a 9 hr shift worrying the whole time and if she passed when I was gone then I would quit my job. YES! this is how serious I am. So I decided just not to go to work. 
When I would pick her up she would make noises which she didn't do the day before so I knew it was getting worse. I called the vet and they said that it's time for her to go. So I made an appointment but my boyfriend who is their papa wanted to spend time with her before she went so we scheduled for the next morning and tried giving her pain reliever that the vet recommended. 
Just an hour later while she was in my hand, she began to open and close her mouth, her body began to shake and then she went still. The pink color drained from her feet. Her warmth started to fade. I couldn't believe it. 
We took her straight to the vet to get her cremated. 
When I feed my rats they always rush to the door and take it out of my hands. I keep thinking one is missing and start looking for her. 
I used to take a lot of pictures of my rats and kitkat was my tamest one so there were a lot  of her. When we first got her along with skittles, skittles would chew a hole in the corner of the plastic bottom of her cage. Kitkat would always go straight for the bed and start stashing food under our covers. Every time I fell asleep I would find something under my pillow.  My only solace is that she is no longer in pain. 

We love you Kitkat. Hope your in rat heaven. 

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