Wednesday, July 23, 2014


After the death of my beloved rat, Kitkat, I felt nothing but guilt. Guilty for not paying attention to them. Guilty of not spending time with them. I should have noticed a lot sooner than I did that she was sick.

I didn't want to feel that way again so I cleaned out their cages, put some new toys in, stocked up on rat food and made sure they had cold water all the time. I let them out every day now and made a rat maze for them.

As of right now, I think my rats are pretty happy. I have been feeding them nuts which I was told they really like and every now and then I will give them a piece of my food. I knew I was doing well with feeding them because they wouldn't eat the food. Instead they have a huge stash of everything in a box I put in there. lol

What do you do to keep your rats happy?

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